August 14, 2015


Back when I thought I was going to be taking my boss's job, moving Connor to the town I live in and trailering to the farm for lessons, I needed to buy a trailer.  I mentioned that I was beginning that search to JenJ, and she said, "I think I have one for you that I haven't been able to use in a while and would love to sell..."  She named a price I could not refuse: even after my job situation changed, I wasn't about to turn this down!

I briefly thought about roadtripping for it, but I ended up using to solicit bids to get the trailer the 1,000+ miles from Texas to Indiana.  When one guy bid essentially the cost of the gas to get it up here, I said "Sold!"  ( was nothing but a good experience from start to finish, by the way, if anyone has been doing any long distance trailer shopping lately).

It's what I've always wanted - a two horse straight load with escape doors on both sides, no mangers, a ramp, and a tack room.  It's even the brand I've come to favor since spending time with the barn's 6 horse, KieferBuilt.

I'm posting pictures before I've had a chance to clean it - Austin is under a water shortage limit due to the drought, so Jen cleaned it best she could without using, y'know, water, so don't judge the appearance!  I told her I've got plenty of water up in Indiana, send it my way as-is and I'll take it through the semi truck wash up the interstate from the barn.  So that's happening this weekend.

Dressage saddle rack, jump saddle rack...

I giggled when I saw these complimentary add-ons, which I will treasure forever.  (Not shown: spare tire, cones, emergency triangle, trailer chuck)

I've already got plans to break it in by taking it to the Hoosier Horse Park for the WPCSA classes in the ISHA show in two weeks, although since it's been a few years since I last hauled anything, I'll be taking it out without him in the trailer to knock the rust off my hauling skills first!  I am so looking forward to being independent with Connor for the first time (even though we'll still crash the barn's party for the big trips most likely).


  1. So exciting!! Having your own rig and being able to be autonomous is SO wonderful! Have fun!

  2. That's so awesome! That trailer is exactly what I'd want, too!

  3. Congratulations! I'm so completely jealous! My car is dying fast and I'd really love to buy a truck but right now I'm still just putting in too many miles to only own a truck. Hopefully sometime in the near future :-)

    1. I am too, honestly, I have to figure something out. I bought the truck thinking I'd be walking to work, and now I'm a half WFH/half traveling consultant. But the truck has been too valuable even just to the home renovation, let alone to my horse interests, to get rid of.

  4. ahh so exciting - congrats!!!! looks like a perfect trailer, hope you get lots of happy adventures out of it!

  5. How exciting. Congratulations. It's so nice to have freedom to take your horse out and about! :)

  6. Seriously nothing better than having the freedom of your own truck and trailer!! Congrats!

  7. Ah Freedom! Congrats it is a great purchase to make.

  8. I'm SO excited for you!! Having a trailer completely changes your entire horse owning experience. Nice looking trailer too, and that's cool that you were able to buy it from a friend so you can trust it was taken good care of before you got it! =-)

  9. I don't have a trailer but I get to use my mom's whenever I want and it is AMAZING to have independence. I'm going to cry a lot when I move away and don't have one anymore. Enjoy!

  10. Congrats! Welcome to freedom. Nice, isn't it? I found mine in Connecticut and had it shipped down to GA but a shipping company. It cost an extra $1500 but it was well worth it for the perfect trailer. As far as your truck, just get a cheap daily driver that is good on gas. My truck sits unless I am taking horses somewhere or getting something that requires a truck. My daily driver is a Scion tC. I feel like I am wasting my truck's life if I drive it for a non-horse related reason. But it is a big long bed diesel too.
    No more hoping a friend wants to go to the same show you do, or being on any one else's schedule!

  11. That is awesome!! Glad you were able to nab it. Might as well snag a fancy dressage saddle this year while you're shelling out for all the big ticket stuff. ;-)

  12. So glad you have it! That worked out well for everyone :)

  13. Wow what a fantastic deal! It look perfect! :)

  14. Wooooo! Blogger friends ROCK. Congrats!

  15. Congrats!!! Our trailer is very similar - but a Sundowner - best purchase ever! You will love it :)
