March 10, 2025

New Boarder

For the first time in years, our little barn is full again. All thanks to this guy.


He's a 12.2hh Icelandic, which really rounds out our Breeds of the World thing we have going on. We now have an Icey, two Welsh Cobs, a Paint, a Paint/Morgan Cross, an Arabian and a Thoroughbred. Quite an eclectic mix for a boarding barn, and I love it.


So far, he's been a joy to have around. He eats almost nothing, is sensible in group turnout, and he makes me "Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" every time I see him. 

The addition of his owner also means that each of us are only taking 2-3 feeding/turnout shifts per week. Since I've done as much as 7 and averaged 4 over the years, this feels like heaven. I feed this morning, then I feed on Wednesday this week, and I don't feed again until the following Monday. What?

Introductions were done over the top strand electric fence, and Leah's Pyro was the only one that got shocked, surprise surprise.

I put him on the other side of Disco from Connor, and I wasn't sure how that was going to go. Disco's a chill guy, but a gelding he's never met before sharing a wall (solid at the bottom but bars all the way across at the top) with him could have been asking a lot.

But not only did they share a wall the first night, they gave themselves a whole ass window and had each others heads hanging into their stalls, and they were both fine.

I had tried to pre-empt this with twine the first night before I could run out to get more pipe clamps, but Disco was one step ahead of me

More than fine, actually, as I often find them hanging out next to each other even after I fixed their pipes to where Disco can't knock them out anymore (his favorite activity since he was a baby). So, I guess that was good practice for my stallion being in show stabling someday.

With that, we are well and truly full, not the pretend full I always say that we are so that I get some breathing room on screening applicants (a trick I learned from my previous trainer that I have to say is genius, especially when you're running a co-op, which not every owner or horse will be a good fit for). Seven horses, five people.

New guy grazing with his friend? Pyro


1 comment:

  1. I can't get over what a sensible little dude he is, and it makes my heart happy to see Pyro have a friend. As the other boarder generally taking 4 shifts a week, I agree that having his owner join our co-op family is a major bonus too. ;) It feels like we just adopted everyone's favorite, sweet (if shy), grandmother.
