July 29, 2012

Real Video

**Edit 8:24pm: Video is no longer private.  Sorry about that!**

Look, guys, a real, live, taken-by-a-person, Connor-is-actually-wearing-tack video!  Someone was actually at the barn on a Sunday and I asked if she'd shoot a quick one of us.  Since she was just walking out the door when I asked/was getting on, this is essentially our warm-up; I had only walked him one lap before this video.


He's tense and not very through or swingy in this video, but overall I am so happy with it.  I'm working hard on keeping the contact consistent, focusing intently on how each part of my body affects him,  and carrying a whip like my life depends on it being in my outside hand at all times (where I'm supposed to be carrying it right now, so I have less chance of inadvertently hitting him with it while I adjust to life carrying something other than a jumping bat.).

My fall schedule is becoming more solidified.  Provided we can get a ride time that works for us, we'll be riding with Nancy K again on August 16th, and since the first time she saw him was in February (when he was green as grass and I had no concept of contact), and the second time was just before the show in June, when I had fought the hollow ostrich trot for the month prior to that, I think she will be very pleased this time.  That would probably be a good time to get some canter work in, if my next few trainer lessons go well.

Next, CJF is coming back in the end of September for another two day XC/open field SJ clinic.  I think the cost puts two days out of my reach, but there's no way she's coming back and I'm not doing it, so I think that will be a one-day affair for us.   

Finally, we're looking for a low-key horse trial for this fall so that we head into the winter with something accomplished that will put us on the path for doing Beginner Novice in 2013.  He's not ready for XC, but a starter Dressage/SJ horse trial would be perfect to gauge his interest and progress, plus give me experience in showing something other than straight Dressage.  I am definitely looking forward to having my trainer there at shows with me after the Dressage show, it's nice to have someone to tell you where you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be doing while you're learning how these things work.


  1. Jen, Video says it is private :(

    Sounds like you have a good plan and with the progress you have made it can work.

  2. I can't see the video either on my iPad-- not sure if you made it public yet, but I think there is also another setting where you have to enable mobile devices because I've seen that some videos do not work. I'll be checking back to see the video, and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress with Connor over the coming years :)

  3. Got it changed, sorry guys! I am still working out how to directly upload a video from my phone to the blog.

  4. Lovely transitions and a much more relaxed trot! Great Job Jen! CAF in Sheridan has combined training schooling shows once a month, but I imagine that would be too far away for you.

  5. Thanks! CAF is not too far, I don't think, since my barn regularly travels to Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois for shows. Naomi is going to recommend one, so I think that's what it will come down to. It may end up being one of those, just something low-key.

  6. With the jump standards there for comparison, it's the first time I've really seen him as a pony!

  7. Ha! That's so funny! That arena fence is sort of low in places too, and I am so short, I bet it's hard to get a good perspective. I called him one of my nicknames for him in earshot of someone else at the barn today, "small friend" and they laughed and said "You have no room to call him small!"
