April 24, 2013

Hock Feathers???

I know about knee feathers from Connor's sire, but hock feathers?  These are brand new, like, last couple of days new.  Normally the points of his hocks look light brown with dirt, and they are often rubbed from playing/rolling/getting up, so I was shocked to see this hair there yesterday.  Is this a thing?  Despite the good laugh I am getting from them, they are getting clipped as soon as spring comes back to Indiana.


  1. Mystic has massive hock feathers. :)

  2. Oh yes Comrade has those. They shed out pretty quick though. I noticed them last year.

  3. Haha yes I know my guy is a hairier breed but his hock feather goes most of the way down his leg!

  4. Huh. . .I'll have to look to see if Shy has those, I have never really paid attention before.

  5. Ha! I've never seen that aside from on drafts where it is much more apparent!
