My husband lost his job. Again. This time pseudo-voluntarily due to restructuring, merging and other business buzzwords. End result is an indefinite amount of penny-pinching and no fun stuff...right in the middle of show season. For the second year in a row.
Pony-eating saddle cover being blown around in the wind. Connor does not like it. |

It's selfish to be so heartbroken over not being able to show when it could be worse, but I already gave up all of 2012 when he lost his first job, and had no idea that this summer, our first real show season, would be the same. Thankfully, financial things are better this year than last year, but still, being the sole breadwinner with his student loans, the mortgage and a horse leaves no room for anything more than keeping Connor boarded - which I am grateful that I can afford that much, for sure. It could always be worse.
Look! Three sets of tracked-up steps! This is new and good. |
It hurts to have to give up eventing right after I found out how much fun it is, and when I'm so close to paying the car off, which should mark the beginning of me being able to show more. Thankfully, unlike last year when he lost his job before the show season ever started, this year I got to do Greater Dayton. I'm still going to do Leg Up since I have already committed, and I want a going out party/some show jumping redemption if this really is to be my last event of 2013. I'm also riding in a clinic on July 6, because the entry fee is a gift from my awesome mom. But beyond that, I can't plan for or count on anything except for another 10 months of schooling in preparation for 2014. Hopefully he gets something new quickly.
Bummer - fingers crossed he gets something soon so that you might be able to partake in some fall festivities.
ReplyDeleteHope the job situation gets resolved quickly!!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear this! Hope he finds something else quickly. Do you have any tack or anything you can sell to maybe fund another entry fee?
ReplyDeleteKaren, I have tack I'm planning on selling (saddles that don't fit), but I'm planning on sitting on that money just in case his job search drags on and we need it. Hopefully it won't and I can just use the money to replace the saddles with better fitting ones, fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear this!
ReplyDeleteBummer!!! Here's to him finding a job fast!!! And you being able to get a couple shows in :)
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the bad luck! Here's hoping it's for the best and he finds an ever better job soon. I hear ya on the show thing, I've also got 2014 firmly in my least for now :)
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that when we have a sound healthy ready to show horse we don't have any money? And when we are horseless or have a lame horse we have the money to show!? I'm sorry you won't get to show much this year but I'm definitely glad that you are able to keep Connor.
ReplyDeleteHopefully he will find something soon. I will say that I have noticed in my business and my husband's that the economy is better this summer than last. And I know a couple of husbands that lost and found jobs in the last couple of months. Maybe this year he will find something quicker and you may still be able to recoupe some of the show season.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear this Jen! Keeping you both in my thoughts that he finds the right new job quickly!
ReplyDeleteUghhh so sorry to hear! Hope he finds something new, and better, soon!
ReplyDeleteSucks about your husbands job, hopefully something pans out soon.
ReplyDeleteAw Jen so sorry to read this. Hopefully he'll get something quickly and you can jump back into the eventing world
ReplyDeleteOh no - so sorry to hear about the job loss. I hope he finds something quickly.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the job loss :/ I hope that things turn up for you all.
ReplyDeleteI nominated you for a Liebster Award :) Check it out here!
Aw man. . .so sorry to read about this! I know you and Conner have been working so hard to show. Echoing everyone else's sentiments, I do hope he finds something quickly! I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI also nominated you for the fun little Liebster Award. Check it out back at my blog :)