January 6, 2014

What to do if you're a Snowed in Equestrian

1. Read horse blogs

Even Bitsy is cold.
2. Read CoTH forums

3. Did any blogs update yet?

4. Clean the house.

5. Clean your tack.  And your summer boots and half chaps that you haven't used since October and won't need until March.

6. Why isn't anyone writing any blogs today?!

7. Organize the front hall closet

8. Brush the dog

Dog not amused with brushing.

9. Calculate the cost of the various equestrian organization memberships you'll need this year.  Decide to put that off for a little while...

10. Text trainer to make sure pony is happy and warm (he is.)

11. Settle in to do a mountain of ironing

I hope you are all staying warm and safe in this cold snap!


  1. Hope you don't get too bored during your time apart from Connor! (I know I would!!) :)

    1. I am, I miss him already! It will likely be Thursday before I see him.

  2. Replies
    1. Does that stand for mini Husky or Malamute Husky? Haha. Either way, good eyes! They are both rescues, we think the bigger one is a Mal/Husky and the smaller one is a Shar Pei/Husky/????.

  3. Good list! I hope you find something interesting to read.

    1. Thanks! I did, on my Kindle. Not a lot going on in the blog world.

  4. When I'm not at work I occupy my time with Netflix - it is so addicting :( but probably not the best use of my time!

    Being snowed in sucks ><;

    1. We have Netflix too, but I am just not that big of a TV watcher. My husband watches it constantly. Being snowed in does suck! I hope Fiction is improving.

  5. Check, check, and check! Doesn't help that I have been sick as well. Stay warm!

    1. You guys must be so cold up there since the high was -8 here today! Wow. I hope you get feeling better soon!

  6. Add needlepoint to that and you have my evening tonight!

    1. Minus the snow, I guess? Haha. Sounds like fun! I used to latchhook when I was younger, that was about as crafty as I ever got.

  7. We don't have snow but arctic temps... Cold! Perfect flat tire weather... Not! Stay bundled and warm!

  8. cleaning tack was my plan! I prefer to write :)
