October 30, 2014

Big Green Watch

I've been trying to find a way to start this post for a while...but no words could do a gift like this justice.  This showed up in my mailbox last week, fresh from customs, no explanation of who it was from:

It took me a little while, but I eventually remembered a text I got on my birthday from my best friend/Connor's Aunt Mary, saying her gift would "take a while to get to me".  I was just completely overwhelmed when I realized.

Since she is the third person I call after every event (after my mom and Lisa), she listened to me recant being 30 seconds over time at Fox River Valley and 45 seconds under time at Jump Start.  It almost feels like she's trying to ride along and keep me safe with this gift.  I had planned to buy one before next season, but this means so much more.

Thanks, buddy, you have no idea what this means to me!