November 27, 2014


I have so, so much to be thankful for. Especially since this week marks the anniversary of Connor getting dropped off at the farm, I am thankful and humbled and grateful and a whole other mismash of emotions toward Connor's breeder for making it possible for me to own this little guy.  And for breeding him in the first place!

I'm even thankful for him in this picture, really.

I am thankful for my trainer, who I am so lucky to have.

Connor, me and my trainer. 

I am thankful that my husband is gainfully employed (finally!), and that we were able to afford to show 3 rated events this year plus one schooling event (that's a solid season, OMG!).

I am thankful for this facility, that I probably couldn't afford to board at if it were in somewhere more interesting than Indiana.

I am thankful for my mom, who finally gets to be a horse show mom for the first time in her life, and is doing a darn good job of it.

But mostly, I am thankful that this little horse puts up with all of the crap I put him through, the mistakes I make, and tolerates my always-evolving-but-ever-mediocre riding in exchange for a few cookies every time I get into my grooming bag sometimes.  He's my best friend and my war buddy, and I am so happy to have owned him for three years this week.

Happy Thanksgiving, from Cob Jockey and Connor!


  1. Aww! Happy thanksgiving!!

  2. Love this post! Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Anniversary!!

  3. D'awww so cute! Happy Thanksgiving to y'all too!

  4. aww happy thanksgiving!! i'm also thankful that you keep up this blog so we can follow all your awesome adventures :)

  5. Thankful for all that and that you blog about it and I got to meet yoU!
