May 19, 2015

Baby Oliver

Meet my barn's surprise bundle of joy, Oliver!  His mom was purchased last fall, and nobody realized she was pregnant until early April.  (She's a maiden, and really didn't show much.  It happens - ask Mary, who got 30 minutes to prepare for her mare to foal in college!)

He was then foaled the first week of May.  We had about a month to prepare!

The people she was purchased from are not sure who the sire is, so I joked for a month that he was going to come out a blue eyed mule.  He's actually a strapping bay colt that isn't badly put together, especially for an unplanned pregnancy.

My eye is so skewed toward baby ponies and not baby horses, I was amazed at how tall he is and how long his legs are!  Hopefully he grows up tall and strong and becomes a good performance horse.  It will be fun to watch.


  1. So cute! The same thing happened to a friend of mine. She bought a mare and we thought she was just chubby. Surprise :)

  2. that's quite the surprise! he's adorable! a similar thing happened at my farm in college but the baby wasn't quite so nice (and was maybe stepped on a bit by his mama) and had a questionable future as a riding horse...

  3. Oh he's SO cute! Love his star!

  4. So cute!!! What breed is the mare? Any guesses as to what the surprise foal might be? He's awfully cute!

  5. Excited to see how he turns out!

  6. Oh man, I'm not usually a sucker for foals, but he is gorgeous!

  7. Wow - what a cute guy! Nice surprise :)

  8. So adorable and what a cute name :)
