January 14, 2016

Photo Dump: October JLC Clinic

I have had no pictures taken of me riding Connor since...July?  But I do have these screengrabs of my trainer riding Connor in the last JLC clinic that I've been sitting on for a weirdly long amount of time (these are ten weeks old at this point.)  If you're curious what exactly they're working on in these photos, here is the clinic recap.

Not sure if this is officially or unofficially in the Welsh Cob breed standards, but here's Connor's "a leg on each corner" picture!

The following photos where she's wearing black are from the first day, when he was behind her leg and she didn't carry a whip.  Whip was carried for day 2 (blue shirt).


  1. Connor looks like he's thinking *very* hard lol. lookin good!

    1. Lol, yeah he was "in the zone" especially on the second (blue shirt) day.

  2. Haha I now feel mildly less bad that I haven't had riding video in A MONTH. So long for me. So short for you.

    1. Lol. That would be amazing. I get pictures and video of me riding about 3-5 times a year depending on my show schedule. And people still read my blog. They must like crosstie pictures, that's the only explanation.

    2. You're so patient. That's probably a character trait I should work on.

    3. Less patience and more...resignation?

  3. Poor Connor, having to do such hard work! He really looks fantastic!

  4. He looks amazing! I never really noticed that you don't have undersaddle pictures lol

  5. I would love to audit a JLC clinic, maybe ride in one eventually. Do you think it's a valuable experience for auditors?

    1. I think auditing is worth it for sure. He teaches how riding affects the musculoskeletal system, and it's very different and helpful from how other clinicians teach. Definitely bring a notebook if you audit. Riding, I'm not so sure. His fees went up significantly this year, we're talking one clinic is the cost of my monthly full board (no lessons). I just can't see paying that much for it, even though it has had a significant impact on our riding.
