August 4, 2016


I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm signed up for a 4-H fundraiser schooling show that's also a sanctioned Indiana Dressage Society show this Saturday.

Totally going to miss my crew of Karen and Liz!

I'm already signed up for 1-1 and 1-2 both days of the rated show in August (I should probably start referring to it by its name for blog purposes: Indy Dressage Festival I & II) (did not think we were ready for 1-3 rated yet, from a cardio perspective).

But after I sent that in I realized that if I rode 1-3 one more time before August 31, I qualified for...something.  To ride for a trophy at the IDS championships, I think.  So I figured, I'll go do one test at this schooling show August 27.  Except then work decided to send me to Vegas that week.  So I late-entered for this tiny show at a place we've never been before for this coming weekend.

On the one hand, I can't believe I'm technically points chasing.  On the other hand, I'm already showing like crazy over the next eight weeks, what's one more? I'm showing a lot for two reasons: first, because time is ticking on both summer and our show season.

And second, because I'd really like to be done with First Level in 2016 and come out showing Second Level at the first schooling shows of the year in 2017.  We already have all the individual movements, just need to put them together over the winter and amp up the intensity.  So, it's not a bad thing to get another chance to practice before our first rated show two weeks later.

...he's pretty sure those ribbons are out to get him
It's go time, little buddy.


  1. You guys are awesome. I mean it's gotta feel good to be at this point!

  2. So happy you both are going! Looks like we are stalled across from each other - would love to get a pic of Connor and Fergie together :)

  3. Sometimes I think it's good to get out and go and do... even if it seems like a lot. I bet it will be a great experience for both of you -- good luck!

  4. Eeeeee! Exciting stuff coming up! :)

  5. Sweet! You guys are gonna kill it!

  6. I can't wait to see how the wonder pony does!!

  7. Ya get it girl, get it, get it girrrrrllll

  8. His poor face with the ribbon! Good luck!

  9. That's so awesome!! I can't wait until I'm at that point with my pony :)

  10. Aw I love when things come together and you can do that. I did last year and it was SO FUN. This year, not so much, so I'm living vicariously through you.

    1. You'll get there next year. I had to take a year like you're having with Courage with Connor too, and it helped so much. I do solemnly swear to take enough pictures that you feel like you're showing with me.

  11. All about the miles! :) I'm sure itll be fun.

  12. that's super exciting - hope you have a blast!

  13. I'm excited for you. Good luck at the show. Connor looks thrilled with his ribbon, poor boy.

  14. ahhh good luck!!! If you are going to Hamilton County, Liz will be there I think!! Sorry I can't make the drive up to help. Darn work getting in the way AGAIN!
