May 2, 2017

Product Review: Omega Horseshine

A while back, I posted that I took Connor off of my current barn's standard ground flaxseed and started feeding him a primarily flax-based supplement that comes in SmartPaks to prepare him for his diet changing when he gets to the new barn.

(The move to the new barn got delayed til mid-May due to my unusually heavy travel schedule at the beginning of May, and I can't waaaaaaaaaaait!   Feels like waiting for Christmas.)

After comparing everything available in SmartPaks, I ended up going with Omega Horseshine.  There were a lot of good contenders, but I chose OHS because it also contains Vitamin B-12 and biotin, both of which I like.

He's been on it now for about five weeks, and I have to say, they were not kidding about the 'shine' part:

Need shades!

The only other time I've ever seen this horse this shiny was when Mary spent HOURS over multiple days grooming and bathing him.

*This is not normal.
And keep in mind I really am a terrible groomer, and with him living so far away he only gets brushed 3-4 times a week. This is with no recent baths, no recent hosing, living on a drylot and this photo was taken on a night when I didn't have time to put a lot of effort into grooming.  Mostly because this was the same night as Mud Body Art night, when I was late to my lesson so of course Connor came in looking like this:

Two hours earlier

I didn't expect to see a difference.  I keep trying to think of what else could be causing this inside out glow, but nothing has changed except adding in the OHS.  He did start getting his summer coat in about the time I started this supplement, but this is shiny even for his summer coat.

Anyone else tried and liked Omega Horseshine?


  1. I've never tried it, but wow, what a shine! He looks amazing ☺

  2. I've not used that particular supplement, but Omega 3's have really helped Miles's coat for sure!

  3. I'm a sucker for a shine supp. Must. Resist.

  4. Hey there Jen! I just started my horse on this after the vet recommended it to help build some top line. I also noticed omega horseshoe is a good substitute for psylium. Win Win Win. Conner looks very nice!

  5. oh wow- what a shine he has. I wonder how it would work with gray?

  6. It's amazing to see the change when I figured the flax would do about the same thing as the supplement... What a good looking boy!

  7. I used it on Moe for a very long time to help keep his weight up. He was always very soft and super shiny!

  8. I love it, and if you ever move to a barn or you own place that doesn't require Smartpaks, the TSC version is the same thing but cheaper.

  9. Looking great! Like a mirror :)

  10. I was using it for awhile but eventually switched to a hoof supplement that contains (I believe it's been awhile since I switched) some of the same things but also has some hoof specific vitamins and minerals. I really liked it though!

  11. You are making me want to try it, what a shine!!

  12. I always feed Horse Shine starting in around... hmm, I'd say March or April. Mostly due to running out sometime in November and then being lazy and not buying more until the new year. This year I fed it all through the winter as a fat supplement, and for the first time that I've known him Murray kinda maybe has dapples? WTF? We'll see if the dapples stick around (I think they will shed out when his full summer coat comes in). Regardless, I LOVE that product. And as an added benefit, omega-3s are correlated with healthy joints!

  13. Looking good!... I might have to give this a go for Gavin. Does Connor typically have a dandruffy coat? Especially on his crest and tail? (Wondering if it's a CC thing). Gav almost always has some sort of coat issue (allergies, dandruff, etc.) I'm wondering if this would help.
