
December 18, 2017

Some Random Pixio GIFs

I can't remember why I pulled these GIFs from a schooling ride a few weeks ago.  I meant to blog with them about something specific, but I've slept since then.

Probably comparing warm up Connor with working Connor.  My life's goal is still trying to figure out how to get this horse on my aids before minute 40 of a ride.  He goes from feeling like a pile of parts rolling around the arena that I can't sit properly on, to feeling like a machine I can manipulate with the lightest aids. #itsajourney

I do think it's related to my position, but it's a chicken-and-egg thing: I struggle to sit well on him when he feels like he does at the beginning of every ride, but he needs me to sit better on him before he gets out of that stage.

Just got on - a little less march than I usually ask for at first
TL;DR minutes 1-39

The very end of that ride


  1. Wow that is such a drastic difference! Maybe Santa will bring you the secret of getting him working well for Christmas?!

    1. Hope so! We do get here every ride, it's just, like I said, at minute 40 usually. Since this ride which was a couple weeks ago, I've been working hard on stabilizing my body from the beginning of a ride. It seems to be helping.

  2. Innnteresting. But he looks fab at the end of the ride!

    1. Thanks! It is interesting. Your tips about different trots are helping me work through this right now.

  3. I struggle with this too, your video looks very much like what I see with Bridget - B is all politely "Don't wanna/not ready" for what feels like forever, and then we finally settle in, and life is easy...for like 5 minutes. Then, she's tired and doesn't want to anymore :)

    1. Yes! Except we don't really have the 'tired' part. He'll go and go and go once he's rolling, I have to tell him to stop. He wasn't always like that though, I think that's come as his fitness has (very very slowly) improved.

  4. I would kill to be able to hop on Carmen and have the stretchy walk!

  5. Hm, that is interesting. I wonder if his brain and body just need a long warm up to get started. Every horse is different. Connor has his own unique qualities. It is good that he can keep going once you're warmed up though.

  6. I wish I could ride for more than 40 minutes without Katai trying to convince me that she’s tired and dying haha
