
October 3, 2018

Riders Who CrossFit

Even though this may end up just being me and Megan (and maybe Jessica?), I wanted to let everyone know I've created a Riders Who CrossFit squad in Beyond the Whiteboard, so that we can cheer each other on.  You'll be able to see each other's workouts (if they're marked public) and you'll get a notification when anyone in the squad sets a Personal Record.  

BTWB works great for weightlifting too, though it might be a little awkward to use for other types of workouts.  If you're a CrossFitter and a BTWB subscriber, let me know how to contact you and I'll send you the invitation link!


  1. I don't crossfit but I'm interested it's mainly a cost thing for me. I do lift though.

    1. I totally get that, it's not cheap. It's the only way I will reliably work out though, so I deal with it.

    2. Agreed! A traditional but much cheaper gym membership doesn't work for me (not enough motivation when left to my own devices)

  2. I’m another rider that CrossFits.

    1. Awesome!! There's four of us! Let me know if you have BTWB and if you would like an invite link.

  3. I still CrossFit! Although lately with my schedule my goals have changed from a bunch of specific PR's to... let's try to make it to the gym a couple days this week. =-0 Is Beyond the Whiteboard an app? My gym uses WODIFY as the app to track WOD's and PR's. But I can look into that one!

    1. BTWB is an app. My gym uses something different too but I've had BTWB since 2011 so all my WODs are in there, it's worth it to me to keep everything in there. Don't feel like you have to join it, it does cost money, but if you ever do let me know and you can be in our squad!

    2. Oh gotcha! It sounds like something similar to what my gym uses, although I think our app is free.

  4. Good morning fellow horse lovers

    Here are the latest top 10 show jumping riders rankings, after WEG Tryon 2018.

    I have included images AND a video of one of their best winning rounds in 2018.

    Its very entertaining, and a nice way to start off your day.


