
February 11, 2019

Equisense Being Useful

I don't have any current media to prove that my efforts to reform myself at the canter are working, but I do have data:

This graph represents Connor's front end elevation at the walk, trot and canter over our last 20 rides.  The purple line represents the canter, and each point represents one ride.  

The dotted line is on the lesson in which my trainer really worked on this concept with me, and you'll notice that we've been on an upward front end elevation trajectory since then.  Every single ride since that lesson has been 1-3cm higher in front end elevation than the ~15 rides before this point (and more than that - that's all I can see in this one snapshot though).

I don't really take the Equisense data as gospel on a day-to-day basis, but when it corroborates a larger trend over time like this, it's super nice to have.