
April 30, 2019

Tailgating at LRKY3DE

I'd blog about Kentucky, but Leah pretty much covered the whole thing in one massive post, so make sure you read that!  Hanging with these girls is the highlight of the whole thing.  But this post is about what tailgating is like at Kentucky.


Tailgating was beyond my wildest expectations fun, and I'm not sure I could do KY any other way now.  It was awesome to have a home base where we could drop stuff, and driving onto the course instead of walking miles from parking was equally great.  Plus I'm sure we all saved money on food (and time!) by not standing in line for concession food.

My husband the chef, and Hank
We bought one of the cheapest tailgating spots, but still had a decent view of the course.  We could see I think 4 fences from the spot, and we were a short walk from a good chunk of the course.  We were also right along a long galloping lane in both directions.

I was nervous about bringing Hank, but he was a good boy, except that every time a horse ran by (~100m from our tent) he wanted to go play with them.  Thankfully Nick was there to anchor him to the ground because he turned into a dog kite, lol.

Young alert dog, old sleepy dog

Poor guy was absolutely exhausted at the end of the day, which is great, because it was Hank's first experience in a hotel. 

I don't crate them for long like this, but they actually both prefer being in there together.  If I tell Hank to go in the crate they often both go in there and refuse to leave.  Works out well for situations like this!
He's at the point with obedience training that I knew it was a good time to introduce hotels, but I still wanted to set the tone with making it a positive experience for him, and it turns out a sleepy dog is a good dog.

This is your 363 day advance warning that I am definitely doing the tailgate thing again next year, so start planning!


  1. Awesome - looks so fun! Glad Hank did so well too - he is so cute! :-)

    1. It was great! Hank was a great mascot too!

  2. omg tailgating is 1,000% the way to go. ESPECIALLY in instances of shitty weather, it's so so key to have that "home base." plus, ya know, everything you said about not having to walk a million miles, having a de facto meet up place, and bringing in all your own food and beverages... so so key! our spot was right around the corner from you, just across from the moguls / mounds thingy (i think 15 or 13?) and it's such a cool place! but honestly i don't think you can go wrong with ANY of the spaces lol

    i'm still so bummed i didn't get to say hi to you when i visited your spot! i guess we'll just have to find another time ;)

    1. I can't believe you were around the corner and I didn't see you! Ughhhhhhhhhhh so bummed. The whole thing went way too fast - small number of horses and all that. Next year!

  3. Haha you did all the heavy lifting getting the tailgate organized so it was only fair that someone else do a long write up 😉😂 thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work and I'm definitely inviting myself to all your future events, k??

    1. Uh yes plz, I am REQUIRING you to be at my future events, you don't get a choice lol

  4. This looks SO COOL!! I’m really hoping that I can come to one of these in the future!

    1. Do it! There is really nothing better.

  5. I'm definitely coming next year & bringing the boyfriend for his first eventing introduction, so I hope to see you there!

    1. Oh my gosh it would be so cool to finally meet you! Please do it, and consider yourselves pre-invited to my tailgate.

  6. Thanks for the heads up on next year (And please I will make it one day just keep nudging me?)

  7. Sounds like the best time ever. So glad you all were able to meet up!

  8. After hoofing it all over the damn place Saturday we decided to tailgate next year and get a big group together. See ya there!

  9. I'm already working on 2020 trip and we LOVED the tailgate option last time. So glad you guys had a great time!
