
April 16, 2019

Year 3 With Greenguard Grazing Muzzle

This is now Connor's third year in the Greenguard grazing muzzle.

After I brought him to the new barn two years ago (!) and he got SUPER FAT.
The first year, I had zero problems with it. The second year, I had all kinds of problems with it that all started when a pasturemate shredded the leather halter I had used with it the year before: fit, rubbing, escaping, you name it.  It was so frustrating.

Spoiler alert: this setup did not work at all.

But we got through it, and Greenguard is still the best muzzle out there IMO.  This year, his original GG muzzle was starting to look pretty beat up and wasn't really the right shape anymore, so I went to replace it and saw that they now have COLORS!  So of course I took the chance to go all Lisa Frank on him:

Two Horse Tack biothane turnout halter has done a great job, I have to admit.

I'm not typically a color person, but I am 100% sure Connor's tiny friend is going to rip his muzzle off at some point this year (although surprisingly that hasn't happened yet, I think the Arab gelding they're temporarily turned out with has been distracting him) so I wanted maximum lying-in-the-grass-visibility.

Their new and improved fit guide helped me get the fit perfect this year...but that still doesn't mean Mr. Houdini stays in it all the time:

PC: my trainer.  Sigh.

Greenguard recommends twine in the corners of the basket for this particular issue, which I did last night.  We'll see if it works!

Side note: Greenguard has their muzzles on sale for 15% off with code 15GGSPRING at checkout.  Riding Warehouse also has them 15% off, but only in black - GG's official website (non-affiliate link) is the only place you can get the muzzle in lime green and hot pink as well as black. #notsponsored


  1. Getting May the greenguard muzzle was a total game changer for us hahaha. They last her about a year before needing to be replaced, but it's still so much better than the cheap muzzles that would be destroyed in a week or two.

    1. Completely agree. And the cheap ones are SO hot under there. I love how much airflow they get with the GG.

  2. How have his front teeth faired? I read a review a while back about how teeth vs plastic day in and day out caused major wear.

    1. Good thing to bring up! The dentist noted minor wear at his last dental, which is part of the reason I bought a new one. I wasn't super diligent about cleaning the old one so there was a lot of grit in it that wasn't helping the situation. For sure anything abrasive will cause tooth wear (muzzle, hay nets etc) but I've weighed the options and this is the right move for now. If it ever causes extensive tooth wear I'll reevaluate.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Removed and edited:

      I'll add to this... May has a pretty good amount of wear on her front teeth from it, since she wears her seven days a week, all year round. The dentist or vet have yet to comment on it without prompting. When prompted? The answer is "the alternative would kill her"... She's a serious founder risk without it.

      If we get to a point where it does become a concern, then we will make adjustments. As always, I just try to keep up dentist every 6 months and vet regularly.

  3. I got P one just for the transition to grass this year. Last year he overdid it and had several nights where he felt uncomfortably overstuffed with grass. Did you look into using their specific halter at all? I tried to get one but it was backordered so I haven't figured out my halter situation yet. I only have one halter for p so I need to get another either way.

    1. He's not a cob size is he? I actually have one, but I ordered cob size and it's too small around the noseband for Connor. It looks like it would work really well, I should buy a bigger one during their sale...

    2. Nope he's team big head - he wears an oversize halter normally but according to the size chart he could wear a horse size. I tried to order one from RW but it was backordered then they called and said it wouldn't be available until July. On the Greenguard website it shows the velcro halter as discontinued in horse size but they have the premium one. I put the premium one in my cart but the code is evidently only for muzzles specifically so no discount. :(

  4. Love it!
    I should have gotten it for Spud instead of the other one I chose!

  5. I’ve got these on my list if/when katai ends up in a pasture situation again :)

  6. If i get Remus a muzzle I will get one of these. Since he is in my backyard (Well is when he is not in KY) I can control his time in the field so I didnt use a muzzle last year. In PA before we moved it was a must to have a muzzle and he got it off most days. SIGH...

  7. As the new owner of a Connemara - thank you for the tips! She came to me fat but my pasture is only about an acre for 2 horses, so I'm hoping we'll get away without one. BONUS points for the Lisa Frank reference ;)

  8. i was just about to sell mine cause i totally could not get it on my pony - the four faux-leather attachments were so annoying they kept coming undone. I have their halter. but maybe i will try again before giving up.
