
May 8, 2019

Mary Clinic: Overview

Last weekend Connor and I rode with Mary Wanless over in Ohio.  On the third day Mary walked over to Connor and said, "I'm sorry little Welshman, this is the first day of the rest of your life."

"Wait, what now?"
At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, she's not wrong: I can't overstate how helpful this clinic was.  The way I ride changed so drastically over the course of three days, even just sitting in the saddle feels different.  If you get the chance to ride with her, TAKE IT.  Yes it's a lot of money, but more than any clinician I've rode with before, she's worth every dollar.

I need to blog about these rides for the same reason I blog about all of my lessons and rides, it helps me process, but I'm struggling to do it because you just get SO much information from her!  Strangely, I'm not having any trouble running through a list of "Mary sound bites" in my head during my rides on my own, but sitting down to sift through all the info and coherently blog about it is a monumental task - all the more reason I need to do it though.

Also: there was JAN and there was HORSE WINE!
So cute, I die <3

Look for some recaps to start coming out soon!  But don't expect them quickly - they are SERIOUSLY hard to write!


  1. LOOOVED following along on Instagram for your experience at this clinic and VERY MUCH looking forward to your write ups. I'm going to audit one of her clinics in a few weeks outside of DC and am so excited to have my mind blown. I definitely want to ride with her some day after seeing/reading about blogger experiences.

    1. You're going to love it! She very thoroughly involved the auditors which some clinicians don't do a good job of, so that was good to see. Reading one of her books before you go would be very helpful if you can swing it, I felt more behind the 8 ball than I thought I would not having read them, despite having a lot of exposure to this stuff through Kate and Megan.

  2. sounds like an intense but awesome set of rides - looking forward to the recaps!

    1. First one coming tomorrow! No promises on the second, the first one took me two hours to write haha.

  3. Can't wait to read all about it. How great it was so worth the money. Speaking of worth the money how was the wine? I have seen those cans in walmart and they are 8 bucks a can. Ummm not for me but free....sure :) HA HA HA

    1. The Rose was not great and desperately needed ice to be drinkable lol. They were only $4.99 a can at Kroger so it seemed like a good gamble. I think Jan's Pinot was better than mine.

  4. It was SO GREAT to see you!!!!

    Part of the reason I never got to blog about my CA Mary trip was the difficulty in processing everything I learned. I needed days and days and just ran out of time.

    An my Pinot was def better than your Rose, it was drinkable without ice, but it would have been better colder!

  5. OOooooh so jealous! Can't wait for more posts!

  6. Glad you got so much out of it! I really hope I can ride with her one day!

  7. I also love following along on social media and can’t wait to hear more details!!

  8. That's adorable, are you calling him "little welshman" from now on? I mean how can you not! :)
