
June 10, 2019

Product Review: Salad Dressing Containers for SmartPak Replacement

Anyone else not feeling the love from SmartPak lately?  I long ago switched to Riding Warehouse for as many of my purchases as possible, but Connor has been on a gut maintenance SmartPak for a while, which I didn't feel great about.  The extra cost, the amount of plastic I was sending to the landfill, their guilt-trip driven supplement advertising.

So when I went to re-start Connor's gut supplement, I balked at going for SmartPaks again.  (It also helped that I got a killer deal on a bucket of U7)  But I strive to be a low-maintenance boarder, so I definitely won't ask my trainer to scoop out of buckets, so I needed to find a single-serving supplement container.

My criteria for a supplement container were that they needed to be:

  • Durable (this ruled out Ziploc baggies and thin plastic containers)
  • Easily opened year round with or without bulky gloves (this ruled out anything with a pry-off lid)
  • Big enough to hold two supplements
I landed on making my own Smartpaks using these:

They're salad dressing containers and VERY sturdy.  I have no reason to think these won't last me for years.

They come with a white plastic inner lid meant to keep liquids from leaking.  I tossed them, I have no need for that with powder supplements, but if you do feed liquid supps, you might want to know about it.

In terms of size, they're not enormous.  Here's a picture with my fairly small running watch for scale:

And here's a picture with them loaded with one scoop of U7 and a loading dose of Cosequin.  It's hard to tell in the photo, but this makes them about 2/3rds full.  You're not going to fit five different supplements in these things, but if your horse is on just one or two, they're a great option.

Technically they hold four tablespoons or 1/4 cup.

I set it up to where my trainer twists the lid off, dumps it, and then puts the empty in a bag hanging outside the tack room.  It's no extra work for her than Smartpaks were, and it's not been bad for me either.  Even if I have to make up all 12 of them it only takes a couple of minutes, and I'll cheerfully pay with my time in order to save some money and not deal with Smartpaks anymore.

Bottom line: If you're tired of paying for and using Smartpaks and only feed a couple of supplements, these containers are a great, durable long-term choice for supplement feeding.

What: Salad Dressing Condiment Containers (6-Pack); 2-Ounce To-Go Plastic Mini Food Storage Jars for Lunch Boxes; Carry Up to 4 Tablespoons
Quantity/Price: $9.99 for 6
Where to buy: Amazon


  1. Brilliant! I have been feeling the same way about SmartPak recently and have been pondering new ideas. I think this might be the way to go! Easier than baggies I think.

    1. Yeah definitely. Baggies don't last forever and they're also not easy to open with gloves.

  2. I'm currently a baggie girl, but I love this idea! I'm definitely going to switch.

    1. Cool! You'll have to let me know how you like them.

  3. Interesting I still do smartpaks but do agree their Customer Service is a joke lately as well as their use of so much plastic and crap. Remus is now on three supps (I just added electrolytes this summer. He is on a metabolic and the hind gut smart digest. The smarkpak wells is as long as my arm.

    Also I am home so really can do it out of a bucket. But i could totally use those salad dressing containers when I am gone and Mark is feeding. Thanks for the tip!!

    1. You're welcome! It might be easier to recycle them at home too, I know it would be for me. It would be very difficult to recycle them at the barn for a number of reasons.

  4. I use those ziploc (or store brand mostly) plastic containers with screw on lids for my supplements but somehow the workers at the boarding barn still manage to kill them sometimes. I have no idea how, they seem pretty sturdy to me. I think my only other complaint is sometimes the dust from the supplements makes the lids hard to take on and off.
    Honestly I loved doing smartpaks because my schedule is so crazy. I just recycled them at home. The cost is much cheaper on Maestro's main supplement getting it in bulk and now P is on Assure guard gold which doesn't come that way so I make up the packs myself.

    1. That's funny, how do they kill them? These seem studier than the Ziploc ones to me but not by a whole lot. I've only lost one so far because a weekend worker thought they were disposable and threw one away.

      I hear ya, it is definitely a convenience thing that can be worth it, but at least the supplements I feed are so much cheaper, I'll take that tradeoff!

  5. I use a similar container for my powdered non-smartpak supplements. They work great. I have had no issues with Smart Pak so no complaints there..

    1. That's good! It's less that I've had issues and more that I just feel...squicky...supporting them. All in my head, but still.

  6. I don't like the plastic either & hate that guilt marketing. Even recycling is iffy these days now that the US has a harder time shipping all the plastic they don't want to deal with overseas to be dealt with. But I do still get things from SmartPak as they have given me very good service. I AM transitioning though, to making up my own like you are -- I have been using the little tupperware-like containers that mashed potatoes come in with KFC $5 meals (I sometimes get these at work when I forget to pack my lunch). Bonus: they also come with food in them, LOL.

    They are small, stackable, plenty sturdy. I'm currently just putting one thing in them (Echo's TractGuard, which helps him a great deal). I order the bulk bucket from SmartPak, which is half the cost of getting it pre-packaged, plus I also get a great bucket (not possible to own too many buckets). I make up a batch of containers 1x a week to take out to the feed shed, so the bucket can stay in the climate controlled house.

    1. Last time I ate at KFC mashed potatoes came in styrofoam, lol! Not much you can eat there when you don't eat wheat. Good idea to reuse something you already have though.

      It's amazing how much cheaper the buckets are, and that's a good thought to keep them in the house, I wouldn't have thought of that!

  7. Before Smartpaks were a thing I did this. But with multiple horses on multiple supplements (and living in two different places!), for me it's worth the extra cost for now.
    These containers seem great though since they can also be used with liquids!

    1. Yeah it's not for everyone! With one horse and two supplements, it's a good option for me.

  8. I've been doing this for years. I use little dollar store tupperwares. I love that I can throw them in the dishwasher every so often instead of the trash. Also, I just refuse to pay 2 or more times the cost just to have my supplements in a traceable container.

    1. Yeah the dishwasher is a must! The powder cakes onto the sides of them, at least mine do. And I completely agree, part of it is the cost but part of it is the wastefulness of it all.

  9. Cupid is currently on 3 supplements, and I get the big tubs because they are quite a bit cheaper than the equivalent Smartpaks. I'm too lazy to pre-portion, but I feed him myself so I don't have to.

    1. That makes it easy! I'd cheerfully do tubs if he was at home, but you gotta be flexible when you board.
