
July 16, 2019

Product Review: Comparison of Bombers Happy Tongue Loose Ring Curved/Straight Bits and Similar Shire's Bit

Let me preface this post by saying that I'm not a bitting expert.  I'm going to be able to show you some comparison photos and tell you in my own non-expert words how my horse went differently in each of these bits and that's it.  I could be totally wrong in some of the stuff I'm about to say.  But I have had a request for a comparison post, so let's do it!

Top: Happy Tongue Loose Ring Curved.  Middle: Shires knockoff.  Bottom: Happy Tongue Loose Ring Straight.

Shires Knockoff
Leah let me borrow this bit while I waited (and waited, and waited) for my clinic bit to arrive.  It has some similar features to the real thing, such as sweet iron, loose rings and a center port, but that's where the similarities end.  The mouthpiece is the same round diameter from end to end without the subtle carve-outs the Bombers bits have.

Connor did like this bit well enough, definitely better than his old bit (Neue Schule French link Baucher), but he also got his tongue over it once.  Additionally, given his low palate and thick tongue, I have to wonder if the non-flattened somewhat pointy port was poking him in the top of his mouth. 

The Shires mouthpiece is slightly oxidized here, which all of these bits will do if they're sitting around and not in use.  Bombers says to "lightly scour" the bit and rinse clean if that happens.

The port is almost as high as the Bomber bits, but because of the consistent round diameter of the Shire's, there's less room for his tongue under the port (as opposed to the Bombers, which you can see the top and sides of the port are flattened compared to the rest of the bit). 

I have a feeling if you have a horse with a smaller tongue and higher palate, this bit would work just fine.

Happy Tongue Loose Ring Curved
This is the "default" version of the Happy Tongue Loose Ring, and is the "less strong" version of the straight bit Connor preferred.  It's curved forward, so that if you lay this bit on a table, most of the bit doesn't make contact with the table.

It's the one in the center
When we tried this bit at the clinic, Connor reacted to it almost the same as his NS Baucher.  He wasn't quite as comfy and pliable as he was in the straight version, and the clinician saw it immediately.  My barnmate let me borrow it; she'd ridden her Arabian gelding in it at a show once and he had a "meltdown" - not sure if it was the bit's fault or not, but I got the impression she thought it was and she wouldn't be trying it again.

The brochure describes this bit as being "softer on the bars" and "slow to exert tongue pressure" just like my straight bit.  The difference is the curve, which put the front of the bit further down his tongue (toward the tip).

Top: Happy Tongue Loose Ring Standard (has forward curve).  Bottom: Happy Tongue Loose Ring Straight (does not have forward curve)

This bit was an improvement over the Shires, which was an improvement over the Baucher. We had some great rides in it, but he also did get his tongue over once - and I wonder if it's because of his short mouth + the forward curve.  More on that in the next section.

Happy Tongue Loose Ring Straight
This is the first Bombers bit I rode in at the clinic and the one I ended up buying.  He feels amazing in this bit, and hasn't even thought about getting his tongue over.  Whether that's because he physically can't with this bit or because he doesn't feel motivated to, I'm not sure.

The best way I can describe riding Connor in this bit is the contact just feels "comfy".  He does mouth this bit a lot, but not in a "tongue whipping out of his mouth" way like he does when he's uncomfortable.  He also is more willing to elevate his front end in it, especially at the canter, although I can feel him trying to scheme ways to get around this charming and helpful aspect of this bit.

The brochure I posted yesterday describes the straight as being "slightly stronger" than the curved version and "suits a horse with a short mouth," which Connor definitely has.  Which got me thinking...

Short mouth = the distance from the opening of his lips to the back of his lips

In the moment when he gets his tongue over the bit, it's absolutely because of my bad riding, but I wonder if the combination of the French links I've always ridden him in plus his short mouth made the evasion easy for him to start in the beginning, anatomically speaking.

Raising the bit a hole after he gets it over always puts an end to the problem for the day - what if that had everything to do with where the center of the bit sat in his mouth?  And what if that's also why he gets his tongue over in the curved but not the straight version of this bit, because it sits further up the tongue?

If that's the case, French links may never be an appropriate choice for his mouth anatomy, which is mind blowing to someone who always considered the French link loose ring to be the gold standard.  I'm not writing them off for him entirely, but it's giving me something to think about for sure.


  1. thanks for the review - really interesting to see what works for certain horses and trying to piece together why. it's too bad they can't TELL us... sometimes I think the answer might just be "I like it better"

    1. I know, I wish they could. There's so much more to this stuff than I ever realized.

  2. Super interesting to see just how different three similar bits actually are!

    1. Yeah, they are very different! Even within the same brand and relative model they are very different.

  3. Thoughtful review! I know there are some retailers that do offer this, but if horses whole heartedly have these preferences, it should be much easier to try bits! It's frustrating to have to buy and sell bits or rely on someone willing to lend you a bit in the exact size you need especially when there are so many types out there. Maybe this is just a request for a local bit clinic lol

    1. There are a couple of places that do trial bits - Hastilow Saddlery is where I got my NS on trial. If you don't like it, you send it back and get your money back minus a 10% restocking fee. Also, Kim has a clinic in September in Louisville, and I posted a pictures yesterday of the contact info for Bombers - they'll do a remote fitting for you more or less. It's limited to the one brand so it's not perfect, but it's something!

  4. When I first started hearing about there bit fitting clinics (and their $$$ price tag) I really thought it was a great scam for people with too much money to burn. But now that I've heard critique from a few very trusted people, I'm definitely interested!

    1. Also a skeptical person, so I feel this. The clinic was $150 and I feel like it saved me more than that in buying/selling bits that didn't work based on my exceptionally limited understanding of bit structure/mouth anatomy. Not to mention the time cost in addition to the bit cost. So, yeah, my final verdict is very much financially worth it at that price point.

  5. Thanks for sharing! I wanted to see the bombers bit next to the shires to see the differences, and they're considerable!

    1. Yeah they are very different! It was cool to see that up close.

  6. I'm currently cycling through bits like a mad person and I never really thought of their mouths as long or short, Back to the drawing board!

    1. Same - the one thing I took away from the clinic is that I don't understand ANYTHING about mouth anatomy! Even though I did study it a bit in college.

  7. Where did you buy the Happy Tongue straight? I'm currently testing Bombers bits for the same issues you describe on your horse.

    1. I bought it through Kim Gentry's bit fitting clinic. She has it available to purchase on her website, A word of warning, since it is a New Zealand bit it did take quite a while to get to me.
