
August 20, 2019

Connor = Basic

Connor's favorite part of horse shows is downtime, when I put a lawn chair in front of his stall, drape a lead rope across it like a stall guard, and sit in front of him.

I will never buy him an actual stall guard, because he's too mischevious to ever get actual stall guard privileges.  Either there's a person with him or that door is closed, there is no in between!

He loves people - watching people, messing with people, being messed with by people - so he is in absolute heaven when we do this.  He'll stand there as long as you let him and won't go back in his stall until you finally make him.

He switches back and forth between nosing my lap, getting ear scritches, swiveling around to watch the hustle and bustle of the shedrow, trying to eat my snacks, and just cuddling. 

I even fell asleep in the chair last weekend, and when I woke up, he was dozing above me.

But usually he's more active than that - like in this video, when he tries REALLY hard to get some of my White Claw 😂  You may have to click through if you're reading this in RSS, but trust me, it's worth it.

So basic, stealin' Claws.


  1. That is amazingly fun, what a darling

  2. He's the cutest! I used to love to do that with Rio at shows too. It's so nice to just hang with them, isn't it?

    1. Awww, yes it is! And even to take care of him, since I don't usually get to do that.

  3. Gav got a taste of the Claw the other week and was definitely a fan. :)

  4. He's the best at chillaxin...
    My guy will also take advantage of any nearby adult beverages :D

    1. Seriously though, starting them young I guess!

  5. Ramone was great with stall guards but also like Connor loved the downtime part of the horse show and also Coronas lol

  6. Oh Connor! I dream of the day when Katai is this calm and relaxed at horse shows. Now we just need to practice more!
