
November 20, 2019

Product Review (and Giveaway!): The Dressage Rider's Journal, 2020 Edition

I don't accept free things to review anymore, but I make an exception for friends!  There's nothing I love more than honestly reviewing good products my friends are involved in.  So when Emilie messaged me and asked me if I wanted to do another giveaway with the new-and-improved 2020 edition of The Dressage Rider's Journal, I emphatically said yes!  The 2019 edition ended up being a great tool for me over the past year, and she told me the 2020 edition was even better.

If you need a great Christmas gift idea, here's one!

Guess who did the gorgeous cover art this year?!

First, let me tell you a story.  At the October MW clinic, a talented girl who reminds me of Karen was riding her big baby Warmblood when Mary pointed out a weakness in one of the hind legs.  Mary asked her if it's always that hind leg, and the girl said she didn't know and couldn't remember (this is not why she reminds me of Karen, by the way 😉).

Later that morning, in the workshop, Mary made a point to dig harder into her for that, saying "You're only as good as your weakest detail, you must write this stuff down and remember it to progress."

Mary also outlined the flow of energy and how it relates to "aiming your beardown" on the cover of my 2019 book during one of the workshops #fangirlsquee

After the workshop, that girl sidled up to me and asked where I got my Dressage Rider's Journal, saying it looked like a great way to work on her weakness.  That "you are only as good as your weakest detail" thing has stuck with me though, and I've since doubled down on my journaling.

While I wasn't 100% good at remembering to journal my rides, when I did, I was much more effective.  Journaling made me sit down and think through my weeks - does it make sense to do a super hard ride the day before a lesson, no it doesn't, I should hack on Monday, that sort of thing.  Great for both planning and documenting my weeks.

It also gave me a great place to put clinic audit notes, and helped me track the ebb and flow of riding progress that otherwise can get lost, even when you're blogging a lot of your rides like I do.

The basic format of the 2020 edition is the same as the 2019 (First) edition.  The first section is full of personal exploration, goal setting and desired award documentation exercises that will be great to do over the cold winter months when we're all (except the Texans) dreaming about the spring show season.

It then moves into a section where you can plan which shows you want to attend this year.  One of my criticisms from last year is that there weren't enough slots for this, especially since it's designed to be a future-looking "I may or may not attend this but it's on the list" exercise.  I'm happy to report the 2020 edition has twice as many slots!

The biggest change by far this year has been the way the daily journals are structured.  Last year, the bulk of the journal was big open blank slots for each day, plus a massive section at the end full of arena diagrams for practicing figures and remembering exercises that was separate from the daily journal.

In the 2020 edition, each month opens up with a big two-page calendar, and then each week is broken down more granularly, with daily priorities, ride tracking and arena figures right there mixed in with the daily journal entries.

Contrast that to the way the 2019 version looked:

One of my other favorite new features?  They've added edge tabs for each month so you can flip right to that month.  Huge time saver!

Bottom Line: I had some valid complaints about the 2019 version but still found it exceptionally useful, and the 2020 version is hard to fault.  Every serious Dressage rider would benefit from this, and even casual riders will find a lot of value in journaling their rides.  This would make a great Christmas gift!

Price: $29.95
Where to Buy It: Amazon

Now for the giveaway!  One lucky reader will win a copy of the 2020 edition of The Dressage Rider's Journal (and I will not accidentally write in it this year, sorry Carly!).  Just leave a comment below describing what horse-related goals you have for 2020 - and they can be anything, not just competition goals.  After you've commented, make sure you enter the RaffleCopter giveaway below.  Contest opens 11/20/19 at 12am EST and closes 11/27/19 at 12am EST.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received a copy of The Dressage Rider's Journal 2020 for free, but reviewed it openly and honestly.  All opinions are my own.


  1. I'd like to participate and audit more clinics in the upcoming year.

  2. Third Level debut! I have a preference for doing it with flying changes that don't include dolphin sounds but I'm flexible on that part.

  3. I want to get back into a regular routine (something that 2019 was really lacking haha) and be able to get back in the show ring and wear my Annie's coat 😉

  4. Not exclusively dressage related, but the dressage is our weakest phase: I'm trying to qualify for the training three day event at MidSouth next October. I intend to make as many schooling dressage shows in my area to really work on easing the tension when we enter the sandbox. (Also, can someone please design an eventers journal!?!?!

    1. There is going to be a jumper version, if that helps!

  5. I have been recording our rides on some sheets I made myself, but would love something with some direction! I would love for Echo to not hurt himself anymore, LOL. If he would be so kind as to do that, I'm really excited about 2020 -- we're building enough skillz to start doing Real Things in our rides. I want to start taking him places to school & I'd be thrilled if we could do a clinic or two. Mostly, I'm looking forward to watching him continue to develop into the completely awesome (in my unbiased opinion, LOL) horse & very cool ride that he told me he was going to be 2 years ago.

  6. next year I want to have more good days than wacky days :P

  7. I love the comment that you are only as your weakest detail. This looks like a great way to stay organized. Definitely going to enter. My goal this year is to continue to work on our cross training- including jumping.

  8. My 2020 goals are to become more confident in show settings with my horse, and figure out our changes!

  9. Qualify for All Breeds at Second, debut him at Third, graduate from the L program, go back to the beach, trail ride more, more working equitation clinics, and just generally have a lot of fun! This journal looks great, I was skeptical last year (thinking that I write enough on this blog, except blogging has taken a back seat lately) but I think I'm down to try it this year.

  10. I'd like to show Second Level on my local schooling show circuit with Jet and score 60+%.

  11. I would like to compete at Training Level next season - as many shows as possible - and score above 65%.

  12. I'm looking to get into a regular routine with working with my young horse. He needs to be started under saddle and hopefully shown in hand in 2020.

  13. I would like to compete at a rated show at First level for the first time!

  14. I want to start taking lessons again! I've been having too much fun reading blogs and watching shows :)

  15. I'm hopeful that 2020 will be the year I get back to riding consistently. I also look forward to taking Uno on many trail adventures.

  16. This looks really cool. I used to do a much better job of documenting my lessons on my blog and I found it really helpful to look back on and plan forward with. Even before I stopped blogging so much, I had stopped doing lessons recaps so this looks really valuable. My goals for 2020 are to ride my own horse more and develop confidence in my own riding.

  17. I'd like to try a foxhunt for the first time and take my first dressage test! - Christen

  18. I'm excited to get back into more regular lessons, as well as ALL the desensitizing things with Tesla (now that I'm at a facility that I can do those things safely!) as well as building her confidence back up. Looking forward to building Porsche's topline back up, and trying some new things, like barrels and bending poles with them both!

  19. I track my rides in like 70 different places, but I like the idea of this and am fascinated by the different modules. As for goals? Working to resolve my right seatbone issues (or at least get it back to working function) and get Bast more comfortable and relaxed in the contact.

  20. Oops! Thought I commented and just realized I hadn't. I'm hoping to continue with the progress we were making before Katai hurt herself and mainly to gain back strength and endurance again for both of us.

  21. For 2020, my riding goals are to earn my C-1 rating in Pony Club, try First level with my young mare, and *hopefully* try a rated HT at beginner novice. We shall see! :-) I really love this idea of journaling my rides, as I used to do that years ago but have fallen out of the habit!

  22. Thanks for the well-thought-out review, Jen! I hope whoever wins enjoys the journal, too :)
