
June 8, 2020

The $50 Dubarrys

I have wanted a pair of Dubarrys forever. Who hasn't? But this is where I admit my relationship with money is probably disordered in some way, because despite being able to afford them, I just could not part with $450 for a completely non-essential nice-to-have item. So I rocked my free pair of Fatbaby cowboy boots for years.

Or, you know, just went totally barefoot in the Rolex water complex

One of the Chicago-area tack stores closed permanently in April, and they had Dubarrys for $224 each on clearance! I jumped on it, ordering my mom and myself a pair. To make it even sweeter, I got a surprise spot bonus at work the same day whose after-tax value was basically that exact amount. Meant to be, right?

My mom's pair showed up within a couple of weeks. And I continued to wait.

A pair of breeches I also ordered from them arrived. No boots.

A month after ordering, I got a "your order has shipped!" notice with no tracking info.

Two weeks after that, I emailed them to say I had not yet received tracking info, and could they please update me? Shortly after, I received another "your order has shipped!" with no tracking info.

Finally, just about two months after I ordered the boots, I left a voicemail and sent an email both in the same week, asking for an update.

My prize for being persistent? A "Refund issued" email with no explanation.

I was SO disappointed, see aforementioned just-cannot-spend-$450-on-myself problem. My husband said he was sure I'd find another good deal, and I lamented that there both rarely are sales on them (too popular) and they're almost never found secondhand in good condition (everyone loves them).

And then I hopped on Facebook Marketplace that night after dinner and found a pair brand new in the box in my size for $50:

Starting to think my husband is right that I have a magical superpower for making Craigslist/FB Marketplace display whatever I'm looking for at a crazy good deal.

The seller bought them at Rolex a while back, and since then bought a house that needs work and isn't riding at all right now. They're also a size 35, and had therefore been difficult to sell. The non-horsey husband joked with me over text, "Yes, $50 cash, you know she's taking a bath on these don't you, not many people with feet this small" and I was like "I wouldn't be driving three hours roundtrip to get them if it wasn't a great price!"

I ended up hitting it off with the seller and her husband, standing in their driveway talking to them for over an hour when I picked them up!

To top it all off, after getting this pair of 35's, I realized the ones from the tack shop probably wouldn't have fit anyway.

First time riding in them

So that is the long, winding, crazy tale of how I got my first pair of Dubarrys. Now tell me your secrets for taking good care of your Dubarrys, because I sure as hell am never going to find a pair for $50 again so these better last forever!


  1. WOW. I bought a pair a few years ago from Belgium (?) on Black Friday. With an amazing discount code and the exchange rate, I think I ended up spending $290. So, that was an amazing deal, but yours is so much better! I feel bad because I love some of the Dubarry stuff (I bought my husband a hat he loves for xmas one year and the accidentally gave me 2 and let me keep the second that I didn't discover for months...). The shop is 15 minutes from my house and now they have a pop up right in town. But, I just can't afford another pair of boots as much as I'd love one...unless I find a deal like your or another amazing steal via Europe.

    1. They are SO nice but just so expensive, I would feel so guilty forever paying full price for them.

  2. What an awesome find. It was totally meant to be!

  3. I am so jealous of you right now. Not that they would have fit anyway. Nice deal!

    1. Haha, sorry, this made me giggle though :)

  4. and I thought getting my black pair of Dubarry Longfords at half price was a deal, lol. I bow to the master! But I am also curious about how people keep their Dubarrys fancy -- I think I need to buy one of their leather care kits next year at LR!

    1. Um yeah I feel like I've set myself up for at least a small purchase at the proper Dubarry tent next year. Just gotta limp em through another 10 months on my non-Dubarry care items.

  5. Nice score!! Getting deals like that is a superpower!

    1. Things like this happen to me more than I think they should, and I'm not sure why.

  6. That is amazing but also I hate you a little bit right now.

    1. I laughed out loud at this. Love you :D

  7. HOW do you even find these things? What a steal!

    1. I don't have a clue. Patience I guess? Willing to wait ten years for these stupid boots while I wait to find a deal good enough?

  8. haha that is awesome!! Fate!

    1. Yes! I can match you guys in the next head of the lake photo!

  9. What are Dubarrys and aren't they kind

    (haha for real tho, why are these trendy)

    1. Why on earth would you take the time to write something rude on a post like this? You're definitely entitled to your opinion and you don't have to like them, but maybe read the room before commenting next time.

  10. I should give you my wishlist next time you are hoping on FB Marketplace lol I can never find anything on it

    1. That's what my husband has started doing and honestly I don't know why this happens to me, but over the years I've gotten a crazy good deal on an Audi, found Hank, found a roommate that became a subsequent best friend, and a whole pile of tack/household stuff/etc.

  11. I'm the one who benefited from her sale at the tack shop. Love them and am so grateful to Jen for the Mother's Day, birthday, Christmas, etc. present! I am sooo happy to own a pair of Dubarrys. (And I'm more than happy you got a pair for $50, Jen. Your patience always pays off....) And don't forget you got the BEST deal on my parrot, Tequila, off of Craig's List! $500 for the bird and cage was a steal!!!

    1. HI MOM!!! So happy to see you commenting <3

    2. Hi back!! I did it...LOL!!

    3. I love this wholesome content. Yay Sue!

      (This is Leah from Rolex. I still owe you lots of hugs)

  12. Don’t leave them within reach of a puppy 😢

  13. I tried to jump on the Barrington sale as well, and most of the stuff that I put in my shopping cart sold out before I could buy them!
