
August 26, 2020

Mary and Connor Have a Jump Ride

 Mary is officially an Indiana resident as of earlier this month, and now lives close enough to me for weeknight pony shenanigans.

She came out on a random Wednesday night a few weeks ago, the night after I'd had a horrible lesson. I was thrilled to put his jump tack on and chuck the reins at her.
We started out in the jump field, with Mary giving him a good solid warmup. 

We might have jumped out there too, but uh, Connor was feeling himself, lol. My only regret is that I didn't keep the phone held up for this, but he did Maximum Connor Shenanigans...which is just throwing one hind leg out behind him. He has literally never truly bucked before.

Mary: "Well at least I know I can stick what he throws at me now!"

Bad boy

So we went into the arena, and with me as ground crew, we slowly built out a gymnastic line. Mary was like "What are you working on in Dressage so I can tailor his jump rides to help with that?" and I was like "SITTING. AND COLLECTION." By the end of the ride, this was where we ended up:

I love having my partner in crime back! Looking forward to her getting her sea legs back and jumping him more and bigger in the future.


  1. So fun! I think that one leg kick is a pony trait, Shiny does it too. I really have to stop laughing or it might become a problem...
    SO glad you and Mary are so close to each other now AND that Connor gets to do all the jompies!!!
