Connor was NQR and I didn't yet know why. That's it, that was the whole month.
I visited JenJ during a work trip (technically that was in January but I didn't write about it til February), and riding Leo and Griffy set me on a hero's journey to solve my weak core and crooked body. I started Reformer Pilates, finally figured out it was the Eq Saddle Science saddle that caused Connor's back pain because the panels were too long for his pony back, and started rehabbing him in my jump saddle using the EquiCore Concepts bands
Also rode Paddy in Sean's new jousting saddle, as one does when they visit JenJ |
Expensive month! I replaced my elderly tow vehicle, bought a 12 year old wool flocked CWD Dressage saddle to put a merciful end to six months of saddle shopping, and decided to stay away from the barn entirely as long as our county's travel status was at orange due to COVID.
I had to come out to the barn once to catch Connor when no one else could (and he walked right up to me <3), and I started to realize just how much my weak core was affecting all aspects of my riding and CrossFit lives, especially after injuring my SI joint on the right.
Cases came down and I started riding Connor again after a total of six weeks completely off. I also went trail riding with a barn buddy in the local state park, and rode Connor's stallion full brother while he was back at his breeders for a brief stay during a cross-country trip to his new home.
I got a pair of Dubarrys for $50, and took so. many. lessons. with CGP. This was also the first time she ever rode him.
You had a jam packed year even with the pandemic!