July 25, 2024

Blogging Renaissance

A few things have come together lately to make me feel like we are about to go through a blogging renaissance. And I have decided I'm going to say that out loud so that I can will it into existence.

I mean, first of all, Google finally fixed the "Insert Photos from Google Photos" UI, which, to be honest, I thought would never happen. I thought they'd let Blogger die on the vine like so many Google products before it, and they would leave it almost unusably broken forever until they killed off Blogger. But no! It's fixed! And it's not only fixed, but improved! Better than ever!

For those that don't use Google Photos, if you allow it to back up your photos from your phone, any photo taken on your phone shows up here within seconds. Extremely handy for blogging.

It loads in a second or two, and it now integrates Google Photo's incredibly powerful search right into it. So you can type "saddle" and it will pull up all your recent photos of saddles. "Brown dog" and it won't show you your photos of white dogs. "July 20, 2024" and it will pull up your photos from just that day.

On July 20, 2024 there were lots of Eva photos

I didn't realize how much it was affecting my desire to blog when it was so difficult to add photos these past couple of (seriously) years, but it turns out, it was. A lot. And now that it's not only fixed, but better than ever? Watch out!

Real glad it got fixed just in time for me to document every breathe Eva takes

Next up, I have at least one report that commenting is working again. For the record, this was a global problem that had more to do with browsers preventing sites from tracking you (good) which Google apparently didn't like because they want to track your every move and advertise to you (bad). 

If you're still having issues commenting, turn off your preferred browser's version of Enhanced Tracking Protection for each affected site. In Firefox, that's the little shield in the toolbar:

And finally, I am seeing more people blog again in general, including at least one new blog that I know of, and that's my right hand woman/barnmate's blog, Pinto Party. Please give her a warm welcome and a follow!

To those who have kept blogging and commenting, you guys are awesome and I commend you. For those who are waiting on a sign to start, or re-start, this is your sign!


  1. I knew Safari on my Mac was foundering because of my old OS, which I can't update if I want to have access to InDesign without a monthly fee. When I couldn't utilize Shutterfly to make my MIL's wedding photo book I called their tech support, and ended up downloading Chrome. Now I use Safari when I can and Chrome when I must; I'm pretty sure that being able to comment is because I'm opening your blog (and another I couldn't comment on) in Chrome. Glad your photo issue is solved; that is one problem I haven't had.

    1. Yeah, I believe that Chrome would work the best, since it is also a Google product like Blogger. Glad you haven't had any issues!

  2. i hope you're right about people maybe coming back to the platform -- i still really enjoy following along with those who continue to share their stories, and personally will always prefer the long editorial format to the addictive quick-hit-click-baity-overly-curated-like-love-subscribe-frenzy of other platforms (why yes, i'm a curmudgeon LOL)...

    1. I agree completely, even though that makes us old Millennials, lol. For me, I will always get more out of blogging, because it makes me sit down and think through what happened and explain it to others in a way that no other format does.

  3. I’m glad you are feeling good about Blogger. I really enjoy reading about others horse adventures. I don’t get the same from following on platforms like IG.

    1. And you are one of the ones I commend for doing such a good job blogging! I don't comment nearly as often as I should, but following your journey with both horses has been such an inspiration.

  4. Thanks for the plug😂 I didn't realize the Google photos option was a new fix, but I'm definitely using it.

  5. Blogger has magically become SO much easier, I haven't been commenting in what feels like years (though I've continued lurking) because of the issues. Came back for a new go at my own and gosh it's a delight for things to work the way they should! Really love to see a few more people blogging and more interaction overall. It's a really special community.

    1. It really is, I'm so glad you're blogging again too, especially now that you have new stories to tell <3

  6. What does it say about me that I'm having a hard time trusting it will stay fixed... Hopefully it does though, because I was getting pretty close to throwing the towel for a few weeks there!
    I'm glad you're getting back to blogging, I love reading about your ponies!

  7. Consider the seed planted! I didn't even know that Google photos was not accessible. It's been years since my last post.

    1. Oh my goodness I miss your blog so much, I would be thrilled if that seed sprouted.

  8. I've always loved your blog so I'm thrilled to hear that you will be back to posting more! Also thanks for the new blog recommendation, many of the blogs I used to follow aren't posting much so it's great to have a new one to follow! I need to work on getting back to posting more often myself.

  9. Wait what?! I tried writing a few weeks ago and the photo thing was so annoying that I gave up and wandered off. I'll give it another go, haha.

  10. Oooh! I'm going to have to check out the photos thing now. It was definitely an impediment for me posting too!
